This site is a modification of the Chirpy theme by Cotes Chung. Some changes have been made to make it more personal and be able to include a project section, a gallery, and other custom components.
- Jekyll
Bard is an implementation of Rogue with a voice-based natural user interface. This project was developed as part a team for CS 423 Natural User Interactions. User studies and testing were used to design and improve the guided voice controls and commands.
- Python
- PyGame
- Whisper
The development project my team worked on for CS 440 Software Engineering I. An application created to post, rate, and detail various study locations across campus through a social network. Powered by Google Maps API and Firebase Realtime Database, "silent" spaces are easily located and can be rated depending on accessibility and accommodations.
- JS
- React
- Firebase
Play a frenzy of microgames as you help the rookie alchemist Aqua Regia wrangle shadow creatures from the depths!
- Godot 4
A moody dungeon-crawling game made for Mini Jam 150: Magic.
- Godot 4
An arcade roguelike physics battler made for Mini Jam 133: Fusion.
- Godot 4
A puzzle card game made for Mini Jam 130: Lunar.
- Godot 4